Ruby/Method/Method Creation

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Add a new method by add method to Class

class String
  def last(n)
    self[-n, n]
p "Here"s a string.".last(7)               # => "string."

A simple definition for a method named hello, created with the keywords def and end

def hello
  puts "Hello, Matz!"
hello # => Hello, Matz!

Call a function for a parameter with or without parenthesis

string = "My first string"                   # => "My first string"
string.count "i"                             # => 2   # "i" occurs twice.
string.count("i")                            # => 2

Creating and Calling a Method

def greeting
  puts "Hello, pilgrim."
# As you already know, you call a method simply by giving its name:

Define a method to convert Cartesian (x,y) coordinates to Polar

def polar(x,y)
  theta = Math.atan2(y,x)   # Compute the angle
  r = Math.hypot(x,y)       # Compute the distance
  [r, theta]                # The last expression is the return value
distance, angle = polar(2,2)

define methods that have arguments

def repeat( word, times )
 puts word * times
repeat("Hello! ", 3) # => Hello! Hello! Hello!
repeat "Good-bye! ", 4 # => Good-bye! Good-bye! Good-bye! Good-bye!

method with ?

def probably_prime?(x)
  x < 8
puts probably_prime? 2                          # => true
puts probably_prime? 5                          # => true
puts probably_prime? 6                          # => true
puts probably_prime? 7                          # => true
puts probably_prime? 8                          # => false
puts probably_prime? 100000                     # => false

You can a function with or without parenthesis

string = "My first string"                   # => "My first string"
string.length                                # => 15
string.length()                              # => 15

You can call another function based on the return from this funtion call

string = "My first string"                   # => "My first string"                           # => 16