Ruby/Number/Convert to Float

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Convert string to float

"3.14".to_f                     # => 3.14
"1.602e-19".to_f                # => 1.602e-19

create or convert floating-point numbers with Kernel"s Float method

puts Float(167) # convert an integer
puts Float("77") # convert a string
puts Float(a) # convert a character code

the percentage

((1.to_f / 2.to_f) * 100).to_i

try weird conversions

puts "15".to_f
puts "99.999".to_f
puts "99.999".to_i
puts ""
puts "5 is!".to_i
puts "about 5".to_i
puts "Your".to_f
puts ""
puts "stringy".to_s
puts 3.to_i