Ruby/Reflection/Module Reflection

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Discover the names of any of the included modules of an instance or its class using the included_modules method from Module.

myString = "asdf"
p myString.class.included_modules # => [Enumerable, Comparable, Kernel]
p myString.class.superclass.included_modules # => [Kernel]
p String.included_modules # => [Enumerable, Comparable, Kernel]
p Object.included_modules # => [Kernel]

use the included_modules method to discover what modules a class uses

puts Object.included_modules # => [Kernel]
puts Numeric.included_modules # => [Comparable, Kernel]
puts Integer.included_modules # => [Precision, Comparable, Kernel]
puts Fixnum.included_modules # => [Precision, Comparable, Kernel]