Ocaml/FAQ/Dates and Times

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3. Dates and Times


(* The unix module acts as a thin wrapper around the standard C
** Posix API. It comes standard with the Ocaml compiler but is
** not automatcially linked.
** If you are not using the command line interpreter, delete the
** the "#load" line
#load "unix.cma" ;;
open Unix ;;
let t = Unix.localtime (Unix.time ());;
Printf.printf "Today is day %d of the current year.\n" t.tm_yday ;;

Finding Today's Date

(* Finding todays date *)
let (day, month, year) = (t.tm_mday, t.tm_mon, t.tm_year) ;;
Printf.printf "The current date is %04d-%02d-%02d\n"
  (1900 + year) (month + 1) day ;;

Converting DMYHMS to Epoch Seconds

** Converting DMYHMS to Epoch Seconds
** Again, use the Unix module.
(* For the local timezone *)
let ttup = mktime (localtime (time ())) ;;
Printf.printf "Epoch Seconds (local): %.0f\n" (fst ttup) ;;
(* For UTC *)
let ttup = mktime (gmtime (time ())) ;;
Printf.printf "Epoch Seconds (UTC): %.0f\n" (fst ttup) ;;

Converting Epoch Seconds to DMYHMS

#load "unix.cma";;
let time = Unix.time ()
let {Unix.tm_sec=seconds; tm_min=minutes; tm_hour=hours;
     tm_mday=day_of_month; tm_mon=month; tm_year=year;
     tm_wday=wday; tm_yday=yday; tm_isdst=isdst} =
  Unix.localtime time
let () =
  Printf.printf "Dateline: %02d:%02d:%02d-%04d/%02d/%02d\n"
    hours minutes seconds (year + 1900) (month + 1) day_of_month

Adding to or Subtracting from a Date

let birthtime = 96176750.                     (* 18/Jan/1973, 3:45:50 am *)
let interval = 5. +.                          (* 5 seconds *)
               17. *. 60. +.                  (* 17 minutes *)
               2.  *. 60. *. 60. +.           (* 2 hours *)
               55. *. 60. *. 60. *. 24.       (* and 55 days *)
let then' = birthtime +. interval
let () =
  (* format_time is defined in section 3.8. *)
  Printf.printf "Then is %s\n" (format_time then');
  (* Then is Tue Mar 13 23:02:55 1973 *)

Difference of Two Dates

let bree = 361535725.                   (* 16 Jun 1981, 4:35:25 *)
let nat  =  96201950.                   (* 18 Jan 1973, 3:45:50 *)
let difference = bree -. nat
let () =
  Printf.printf "There were %.f seconds between Nat and Bree\n"
  (* There were 265333775 seconds between Nat and Bree *)
let seconds    =  mod_float difference 60.
let difference = (difference -. seconds) /. 60.
let minutes    =  mod_float difference 60.
let difference = (difference -. minutes) /. 60.
let hours      =  mod_float difference 24.
let difference = (difference -. hours)   /. 24.
let days       =  mod_float difference 7.
let weeks      = (difference -. days)    /.  7.
let () =
  Printf.printf "(%.f weeks, %.f days, %.f:%.f:%.f)\n"
    weeks days hours minutes seconds
  (* (438 weeks, 4 days, 23:49:35) *)

Day in a Week/Month/Year or Week Number

#load "unix.cma";;
let {Unix.tm_mday=monthday; tm_wday=weekday; tm_yday=yearday} =
  Unix.localtime date
let weeknum = yearday / 7 + 1

Parsing Dates and Times from Strings

#load "unix.cma";;
let epoch_seconds date =
  Scanf.sscanf date "%04d-%02d-%02d"
    (fun yyyy mm dd ->
       fst (Unix.mktime {Unix.tm_sec=0; tm_min=0; tm_hour=0;
                         tm_mday=dd; tm_mon=mm-1; tm_year=yyyy-1900;
                         tm_wday=0; tm_yday=0; tm_isdst=false}))
let () =
  while true do
    let line = read_line () in
      let date = epoch_seconds line in
      let {Unix.tm_mday=day; tm_mon=month; tm_year=year} =
        Unix.localtime date in
      let month = month + 1 in
      let year = year + 1900 in
      Printf.printf "Date was %d/%d/%d\n" month day year
      | Scanf.Scan_failure _
      | End_of_file 
      | Unix.Unix_error (Unix.ERANGE, "mktime", _) ->
          Printf.printf "Bad date string: %s\n" line

Printing a Date

#load "unix.cma";;
open Unix
open Printf
let days = [| "Sun"; "Mon"; "Tue"; "Wed"; "Thu"; "Fri"; "Sat" |]
let months = [| "Jan"; "Feb"; "Mar"; "Apr"; "May"; "Jun";
                "Jul"; "Aug"; "Sep"; "Oct"; "Nov"; "Dec" |]
let format_time time =
  let tm = localtime time in
  sprintf "%s %s %2d %02d:%02d:%02d %04d"
    (tm.tm_year + 1900)
let time = fst (Unix.mktime {tm_sec=50; tm_min=45; tm_hour=3;
                             tm_mday=18; tm_mon=0; tm_year=73;
                             tm_wday=0; tm_yday=0; tm_isdst=false})
let () = printf "format_time gives: %s\n" (format_time time)

High-Resolution Timers

#load "unix.cma";;
let t0 = Unix.gettimeofday ()
let () = print_string "Press return when ready: "; ignore (read_line ())
let t1 = Unix.gettimeofday ()
let () = Printf.printf "You took %f seconds.\n" (t1 -. t0)
let size = 500 in
let number_of_times = 100 in
let total_time = ref 0. in
for i = 1 to number_of_times do
  let array = Array.init size (fun _ -> Random.bits()) in
  let before = Unix.gettimeofday() in
  Array.stable_sort compare array ;
  let time = Unix.gettimeofday() -. before in
  total_time := !total_time +. time
done ;
Printf.printf "On average, sorting %d random numbers takes %.5f seconds\n" size (!total_time /. float number_of_times)

Short Sleeps

let usleep time =
  ignore (Unix.select [] [] [] time)
let () =
  while true do
    usleep 0.25;
    print_newline ();

Program: hopdelta

(* hopdelta - feed mail header, produce lines
              showing delay at each hop. *)
#load "str.cma";;
#load "unix.cma";;
(* Modify this function to tweak the format of results. *)
let print_result sender recipient time delta =
  Printf.printf "%-30s %-30s %-20s   %s\n"
    sender recipient time delta
(* Produce a stream of lines from an input channel. *)
let line_stream_of_channel channel =
    (fun _ -> try Some (input_line channel) with End_of_file -> None)
(* Turn a stream of lines into a stream of paragraphs, where each
   paragraph is a stream of lines. Paragraphs are delimited by one
   or more empty lines. *)
let paragraphs lines =
  let rec next para_lines i =
    match Stream.peek lines, para_lines with
      | None, [] -> None
      | Some "", [] -> Stream.junk lines; next para_lines i
      | Some "", _ | None, _ -> Some (Stream.of_list (List.rev para_lines))
      | Some line, _ -> Stream.junk lines; next (line :: para_lines) i in
  Stream.from (next [])
(* Find blocks of email headers in a stream of paragraphs. Headers
   are all assumed to have a first line starting with "From" and
   containing a '@' character. This is not very robust. *)
let header_blocks paras =
  let rec next i =
    match Stream.peek paras with
      | Some lines ->
          if (match Stream.peek lines with
                | Some line ->
                    (String.length line >= 5
                     && (String.sub line 0 5 = "From ")
                     && (String.contains line '@'))
                | None -> false)
          then Some (Stream.next paras)
          else (Stream.junk paras; next i)
      | None -> None in
  Stream.from next
(* Pattern to detect continuation lines. *)
let continuation_regexp = Str.regexp "^[\t ]+"
(* Transform a stream of lines such that continuation lines are joined
   with previous lines by a single space. *)
let join_continuations lines =
  let rec continuations () =
    match Stream.peek lines with
      | Some line ->
          let found = ref false in
          let trimmed =
              (fun _ -> found := true; "")
              line in
          if !found
          then (Stream.junk lines; " " ^ trimmed ^ continuations ())
          else ""
      | None -> "" in
  let rec next i =
    match Stream.peek lines with
      | Some line ->
          Stream.junk lines;
          Some (line ^ continuations ())
      | None -> None in
  Stream.from next
(* A type for headers, where "from" contains the text of the "From"
   line, and the rest of the headers are parsed into a (key, value)
   list called "params". *)
type header = { from : string;
                params : (string * string) list }
(* Given a stream of header blocks, produce a stream of values of the
   above "header" type. *)
let headers blocks =
  let parse_from line =
    String.sub line 5 (String.length line - 5) in
  let parse_param params line =
      let index = String.index line ':' in
      let key = String.sub line 0 index in
      let value =
        if String.length line > index + 2
            (index + 2)
            (String.length line - index - 2)
        else "" in
      params := (key, value) :: !params
      | Not_found
      | Invalid_argument "String.sub" ->
          Printf.eprintf "Unable to parse header: %s\n" line;
          () in
  let rec next i =
      let lines = Stream.next blocks in
      let lines = join_continuations lines in
      let from = parse_from (Stream.next lines) in
      let params = ref [] in
      Stream.iter (parse_param params) lines;
      Some { from = from; params = List.rev !params }
    with Stream.Failure ->
      None in
  Stream.from next
(* Combine the above stream transformers to produce a function from
   input channels to streams of headers. *)
let header_stream_of_channel channel =
          (line_stream_of_channel channel)))
(* Association list mapping month abbreviations to 0-based month
   numbers as required by Unix.mktime. *)
let months =
  ["Jan", 0; "Feb", 1; "Mar", 2; "Apr", 3; "May", 4; "Jun", 5;
   "Jul", 6; "Aug", 7; "Sep", 8; "Oct", 9; "Nov", 10; "Dec", 11]
(* Turn a time zone into an offset in minutes. Not exhaustive. *)
let parse_tz = function
  | "" | "Z" | "GMT" | "UTC" | "UT" -> 0
  | "PST" -> -480
  | "MST" | "PDT" -> -420
  | "CST" | "MDT" -> -360
  | "EST" | "CDT" -> -300
  | "EDT" -> -240
  | string ->
      Scanf.sscanf string "%c%02d%_[:]%02d"
        (fun sign hour min ->
           min + hour * (if sign = '-' then -60 else 60))
(* List of date-parsing functions from strings to epoch seconds. *)
let date_parsers =
    (fun string ->
       Scanf.sscanf string "%d %s %d %d:%d:%d %s"
         (fun mday mon year hour min sec tz ->
            let mon = List.assoc mon months in
            fst (Unix.mktime
                   {Unix.tm_sec=sec; tm_min=min; tm_hour=hour;
                    tm_mday=mday; tm_mon=mon; tm_year=year-1900;
                    tm_wday=0; tm_yday=0; tm_isdst=false})
            -. (float (parse_tz tz) *. 60.0)));
    (fun string ->
       Scanf.sscanf string "%3s, %d %s %4d %d:%d:%d %s"
         (fun wday mday mon year hour min sec tz ->
            let mon = List.assoc mon months in
            fst (Unix.mktime
                   {Unix.tm_sec=sec; tm_min=min; tm_hour=hour;
                    tm_mday=mday; tm_mon=mon; tm_year=year-1900;
                    tm_wday=0; tm_yday=0; tm_isdst=false})
            -. (float (parse_tz tz) *. 60.0)));
    (fun string ->
       Scanf.sscanf string "%3s, %d %s %2d %d:%d:%d %s"
         (fun wday mday mon year hour min sec tz ->
            let mon = List.assoc mon months in
            fst (Unix.mktime
                   {Unix.tm_sec=sec; tm_min=min; tm_hour=hour;
                    tm_mday=mday; tm_mon=mon; tm_year=year;
                    tm_wday=0; tm_yday=0; tm_isdst=false})
            -. (float (parse_tz tz) *. 60.0)));
(* Tries each of the above date parsers, one at a time, until one
   of them doesn't throw an exception. If they all fail, returns
   a value of 0.0. *)
let getdate string =
  let result = ref 0.0 in
  let parsers = ref date_parsers in
  while !result = 0.0 && !parsers <> [] do
    let parse = List.hd !parsers in
    parsers := List.tl !parsers;
    try result := parse string with _ -> ()
(* Formats a date given in epoch seconds for display. *)
let fmtdate epoch =
  let tm = Unix.localtime epoch in
  Printf.sprintf "%02d:%02d:%02d %04d/%02d/%02d"
    tm.Unix.tm_hour tm.Unix.tm_min tm.Unix.tm_sec
    (tm.Unix.tm_year + 1900) (tm.Unix.tm_mon + 1) tm.Unix.tm_mday
(* Formats the difference between two epoch times for display. *)
let fmtdelta delta =
  let sign    = if delta < 0.0 then '-' else ' ' in
  let delta   = abs_float delta in
  let seconds = mod_float delta 60. in
  let delta   = (delta -. seconds) /. 60. in
  let minutes = mod_float delta 60. in
  let delta   = (delta -. minutes) /. 60. in
  let hours   = mod_float delta 24. in
  Printf.sprintf "%c%02.f:%02.f:%02.f" sign hours minutes seconds
(* Process the header for a single email. *)
let process_header header =
  let start_from =
    try List.assoc "From" header.params
    with Not_found -> header.from in
  let start_from =
      (Str.regexp ".*@\\([^ >]*\\).*") "\\1" start_from in
  let start_date =
    try List.assoc "Date" header.params
    with Not_found -> "" in
  let start_date =
      (Str.regexp " +(.*$") "" start_date in
  let then' = ref (getdate start_date) in
  print_result "Sender" "Recipient" "Time" " Delta";
  print_result "Start" start_from (fmtdate !then') "";
  let prevfrom = ref start_from in
    (fun (key, value) ->
       if key = "Received"
           let when' =
               (Str.regexp ".*; +\\(.*\\)$") "\\1" value in
           let when' =
               (Str.regexp " +(.*$") "" when' in
           let from' =
               ignore (Str.search_forward
                         (Str.regexp "from +\\([^ )]+\\)") value 0);
               Str.matched_group 1 value
             with Not_found ->
                 ignore (Str.search_forward
                           (Str.regexp "(\\([^)]*\\))") value 0);
                 Str.matched_group 1 value
               with Not_found -> "" in
           let from' = Str.replace_first (Str.regexp ")$") "" from' in
           let by' =
               ignore (Str.search_forward
                         (Str.regexp "by +\\([^ ]+\\.[^ ]+\\)") value 0);
               Str.matched_group 1 value
             with Not_found -> "" in
           let now = getdate when' in
           let delta = now -. !then' in
             (if !prevfrom <> "" then !prevfrom else from')
             (fmtdate now)
             (fmtdelta delta);
           then' := now;
           prevfrom := by';
    (List.rev header.params);
  print_newline ();
  flush stdout
(* Process all emails from standard input. *)
let () =
  Stream.iter process_header (header_stream_of_channel stdin)