Ruby/Hash/Convert to String

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convert hash to string

{:a=>1, :b=>2}.to_s    # => "a1b2" in Ruby 1.8; "{:a=>1, :b=>2}" in 1.9
{:a=>1, :b=>2}.inspect # => "{:a=>1, :b=>2}" for both versions

Output hash to string then remove the key and gsub

myHash = { 1920 => "value for 1920", 1925 => "value for 1925", 1934 => "value for 1934" }
novels = myHash.to_s # => "1925value for 19251920value for 19201934value for 1934"
novels.gsub(/\d{4}/, " " ) { |token| print token } # => " value for 1925 value for 1920 value for 1934"