Ruby/Number/Numeric class

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Версия от 17:10, 26 мая 2010; (Обсуждение)
(разн.) ← Предыдущая | Текущая версия (разн.) | Следующая → (разн.)
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Find out the modules Numeric class resides

p Numeric.included_modules # => [Comparable, Kernel]

Get the ceiling or floor of a number (from Float, Integer, or Numeric):

4.65.ceil # => 5
4.65.floor # => 4

Get the next integer with next (or its alias succ): # => -23 # => 2 # => 1000

Is a number integer

num = 4
if num.integer?
  puts "Invited guests: " + num.to_s
  puts "Only whole persons can come to this party."

More Math Methods

# Get the absolute value of a number (Bignum, Complex, Fixnum, Float, Numeric, Rational)
-40.abs # => 40
40.abs # => 40

Or round a number up or down (Float, Integer, or Numeric):

100.45.round # => 100
100.49.round # => 100
100.5.round # => 101
100.6.round # => 101

The integer? method comes from the Numeric class

12.integer? # => true
12.0.integer? # => false
-1.integer? # => true
-12.integer? # => true