Ruby/String/char in string

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Accessing Strings

speaker = "King Richard III"
# If you enter a string as the argument to [], it will return that string, if found:
puts speaker["King"]

Adding another argument, a Fixnum, returns that portion of the matched data, starting at 0 in this instance

line = "A horse! this is a horse!"
puts line[/^A horse/, 0]

Change a string with offset

s = "hello"
s[0,2]          # "he"
s[-1,1]         # "o": returns a string, not the character code ?o
s[0,0]          # "": a zero-length substring is always empty
s[0,10]         # "hello": returns all the characters that are available
s[s.length,1]   # "": there is an empty string immediately beyond the end
s[s.length+1,1] # nil: it is an error to read past that
s[0,-1]         # nil: negative lengths don"t make any sense

Character literal

?A   # Character literal for the ASCII character A
?"   # Character literal for the double-quote character
??   # Character literal for the question mark character
?\t      # Character literal for the TAB character
?\C-x    # Character literal for Ctrl-X
?\111    # Literal for character whose encoding is 0111 (octal)

Concatenate string by string index

string = "My first string"                   # => "My first string"
string[3].chr + string[4].chr + string[5].chr + string[6].chr +  string[7].chr

Enter a range to grab a range of characters.

# Two dots (..) means include the last character:
cite = "this is a test"

If you add the chr method from the Integer class, you"ll get the actual character:

line = "A horse! a horse! my kingdom for a horse!"
line[7].chr # => "!"

Loop through a string with while

s = "hello"       
while(s["l"])     # While the string contains the substring "l"
  s["l"] = "L";   # Replace first occurrence of "l" with "L"
end               # Now we have "heLLo"

Map chars in a string

p "hello" {|c| c.succ }  # => ["i", "f", "m", "m", "p"]

specify a Fixnum (integer) as an index, it returns the decimal character code for the character found at the index location

line = "A horse! a horse! my kingdom for a horse!"
puts line[7] 
# At the location 7, [] found the character 33 (!).

taking the first letter from a string


use an offset and length (two Fixnums) to tell [] the index location where you want to start, and then how many characters you want to retrieve

line = "A horse! a horse! my kingdom for a horse!"
puts line[18, 23]
# You started at index location 18, and then scooped up 23 characters from there, inclusive.

use regular expressions

line = "A horse! this is a horse!"
puts line[/horse!$/] 
# The regular expression /horse!$/ asks, "Does the word horse, followed by ! come at the end of the line ($)?" 
# If this is true, this call returns horse!; nil if not.

Use string as array

s = "hello"   
puts s[0]           # 104: the ASCII character code for the first character "h"
puts s[s.length-1]  # 111: the character code of the last character "o"
puts s[-1]          # 111: another way of accessing the last character
puts s[-2]          # 108: the second-to-last character
puts s[-s.length]   # 104: another way of accessing the first character
puts s[s.length]    # nil: there is no character at that index